Contents & abstracts

Thinking Psychoanalysis with Green.
His “Vision in the Whole and From on High” of Psychoanalysis' Past, Present and Future:
a Tribute to His Contribution to Science 

V. Bonaminio. Introduction.  Richard & Piggle, 22, 1, 2014, 1-5.

A. Green. The Model Child.  Richard & Piggle, 22, 1, 2014, 6-25.

D. Avakian. My Supervision with André Green. Richard & Piggle, 22, 1, 2014, 26-40.

In this work that grew out of an account of her individual training supervision with Green, the author seeks to highlight the essential points of the analytical heritage passed on to her:  the ever-relevant interest and pertinence of the Freudian method, the importance of and meaning behind rigorously maintaining the setting used in classical treatment and the specific nature of the latter in comparison with analytical psychotherapy.  This text seeks not only to testify to Green’s work as a supervisor but also to pay tribute to his clinical talent.

M. Balsamo.  Green the Clinician.  Comments on D. Avakian’s My Supervision with André Green. Richard & Piggle, 22, 1, 2014, 41-49.

This work examines the connections between analytical work and the work of supervision. It focuses on the categories of the identical, the familiar and the push towards change and shows how these themselves lie at the heart of André Green's thinking and clinical method.

F. Conrotto. André Green:  Between Affect and Language. Richard & Piggle, 22, 1, 2014, 50-53.

A. Green is one of the figures who best represents French and international psychoanalysis over the last forty years.  After distancing himself from Lacan's thinking, he tackled the issue of affect in psychoanalytical theory and thus narcissism and the negative and, then, the problem of how to treat borderline states.  From the 1970s until the end of his scientific activity, he never neglected the theme of language.

R. Roussillon. Thinking with Green. Richard & Piggle, 22, 1, 2014, 54-57.

In this article, Roussillon pays tribute to Andr_ Green, who has always been recognised by the international psychoanalytic community as the most distinguished psychoanalyst of the 1980s. André described himself as a “committed psychoanalyst” and was one who expanded his fields of enquiry, thereby widening the horizons of psychoanalysis.  He managed to maintain independence of thought in his psychoanalytical work both in France and at an international level, remaining unfettered by institutional trends. His clinical theory resulted in a well-structured scientific formulation that was rooted in a great passion for psychoanalysis and a profound love of studying the human psyche's functioning, in its various forms of suffering.  Of the vast repertoire of original conceptualizations that he has bequeathed to us, his original theoretico-clinical conceptualizations regarding borderline states must be remembered.

M.G. Fusacchia. A privileged partner. About “Thinking with Green” of René Roussillon.  Richard & Piggle, 22, 1, 2014, 58-59.

Clinical Reflections                                                                                                                                                              

L. Carbone Tirelli.  Richard & Piggle remembers Maria Peluso. Richard & Piggle, 22, 1, 2014, 60-61.

M. Peluso. Infant Observation as an Experience of Learning the Psychoanalytic Method.  Richard & Piggle, 22, 1, 2014, 62-76.

The article describes the method of psychoanalytic observation and, more specifically, “Infant Observation” (i.e. observation of the mother-child relationship within the family). On the one hand, it retraces the method’s development from its origins through to current research programmes and, on the other, it touches on ways the method could be applied in different social situations by extending its technique.  What emerges from this article, in particular, is how continuity in the exercise in observation bears fruit subsequently in fundamental aspects of psychoanalytical work.

Clinical Diary                                                                                                                                                                      

C. Fiore. “The Little Fish and the Shell”. Richard & Piggle, 22, 1, 2014, 77-104.

The author uses the presentation of material taken from an intensive psychotherapy with an autistic boy of three to describe the process-based nature of analytical treatment.  She pays particular attention to the importance of body use (on the part of both the child and the therapist herself) as a vehicle for profound exchanges in situations where a verbal type of language was still not totally present.  The work also has the aim of showing how it is possible to promote processes of (bodily, emotional and psychic) development in an autistic child, fostering the birth of the Self in cases where the analytical relationship succeeds in activating that fundamental reverie function, namely, that necessary psycho-physical containment that can hold the patient's primordial fears.
